Before February 10:
Before March 10 (First Practice):
Below are links to help you with Big Teams registration:
Click here for the BigTeams sign up Guide for Players and Parents.
Click here for Big Teams Registration.
It's complicated? Click here for Big Teams Support.
The Walled Lake Consolidated School District Athletic site has more valuable information.
Two fees must be paid prior to the first tennis match*:
1. The school district fee, called Pay to Participate (P2P), for the 2025 tennis season is $255.
P2P can be paid using Skyward, or by check made out to Walled Lake Consolidated Schools.
P2P maybe lower with participation in multiple activities by the player, or their siblings.
For more information visit: Pay to Participate - Walled Lake Consolidated Schools (
2. The Tennis Team fee for 2025 is $150. Checks should be payable to WLC Tennis.
Both fees can be given to the head coach, or paid at the WLC Athletic office.
*No player will be denied participation in tennis due to financial need.
Contact the head coach or district athletic director for a confidential consultation.
Review document #7 below.
Documents 1 and 2 are required in addition to documents on BigTeams
1a. New player profile. -or- (pdf)
Download1b. Returning player profile. (pdf)
Download2. Player Contract- Required for all players, each year. (pdf)
Download3. Gift Permission. Required for tennis benefactors or corporate donations. THANK YOU!!! (pdf)
Download4. 2024-2025 Financial Assistance Application ***Only for financial need.*** (pdf)